Lori Wayfair


Lori  Wayfair

Lori Wayfair

Children's, Religion & Spirituality

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  • Member Since

    Jul 2024

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    23 September

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Lori Wayfair is an author from Northern Michigan who has lived in 28 different U.S. states and visited 6 countries around the world. She comes from a diverse background, having been born with a serious illness but also possessing a deep connection to the metaphysical. Despite the trials she has overcome, Lori has never given up, and she considers her 9-year-old daughter Mila to be a true miracle.

Together, they run a small family business called Phoenix Tree Gallery, where Lori creates wire art, sun catchers, and her signature wire trees. Mila also contributes her own wire art pieces to the gallery. When they're not tending to the business, you can find the Wayfair family spending their days exploring nature, trying their hands at various arts and crafts, and even enjoying friendly Minecraft competitions together.

In her free time, Lori enjoys reading, gardening, nature, studying ancient beliefs and practices, pursuing her spiritual calling as a Priestess of Light. She is a warrior with a kind heart, driven by her passions for God, wisdom, and making a positive difference in the world.
Through her writing, Lori aims to share her unique perspective and insights gained from her extraordinary life experiences. Her work explores themes of resilience, the profound mysteries of the universe, and the power of the human spirit to overcome even the greatest challenges.

Lori Wayfair Books

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